Martin Gruebele: The Honey Badger’s Quest for Endurance and Exploration

Juan David Campolargo
2 min readMar 26, 2023
Photo from The UIUC Talkshow Interview

Martin Gruebele is not your ordinary man. As a professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Computational Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he has made numerous contributions to the fields of quantum mechanics, RNA and protein folding, zebrafish behavioral studies, and more.

But beyond the walls of academia, he is known as the “Honey Badger,” a moniker earned through his incredible endurance sports feats, including over 20 Iron Mans, Ultratriathlon World Championships, and the World’s Toughest Bicycle and Foot Races.

Dr. Gruebele’s success is rooted in his childlike curiosity and passion for learning. He fought with his parents during his undergraduate studies to pursue his love of chemistry, eventually proving to them that chemists can thrive. His thirst for knowledge led him to publish over 300 articles, books, and patents on a diverse range of subjects.

But Dr. Gruebele’s pursuit of excellence doesn’t end with academia. He has become a master of Iron Mans, finding them too easy and instead competing in the 1406-mile DECA 2022 World Championship ultratriathlon. He has also written two books on ultra-distance cycling and ultra-triathlons.

Dr. Gruebele’s journey is an inspiring story of persistence, curiosity, and a relentless drive to succeed in everything he sets his mind to. Join us on The UIUC Talkshow as we explore his simulation hypothesis, his thoughts on free will and religion, and how he generates ideas. Get ready to be captivated by Dr. Gruebele’s awe-striking story, for it will leave you inspired, moved, and forever changed.

Don’t miss out on our conversation with Martin Gruebele, where he shares his insights on finding your strengths, learning from mistakes, and choosing what to study. The Honey Badger’s quest for endurance and exploration is a journey you won’t want to miss.

Watch this conversation here.



Juan David Campolargo

I do and share “stuff” that makes people more optimistic, ambitious, and curious. Learn more about me and read more (